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How does social media addiction affect our bodies and daily lives?

The two most common effects on our daily lives are Fear Of Missing Out and a Security blanket. FOMO could lead you to return to social media every time and feel left out of the conversations at school if all of your classmates are talking about the latest news except you. Following the trend could be one of the biggest reasons why people can’t put their phones down.

A security blanket is situation when you turn on your device and log in to social media whenever they feel nervous, anxious, sad, or stressed. We all agree interacting with others using social media make you feel better, but in my opinion, meeting friends or others 'Face To Face' is much more effective than seeing your friend online, just like online lesson.

While there are some effects on our daily lives, there are effects of social media addiction n our bodies too. Text neck is the most common and the worst reaction that happens when you are addicted to social media. It is a repetitive stress injury or overuse syndrome and more than a million people in the world are in pain from a text neck. Are you one of them? Don't worry, I got some solutions you can try easily.

  • Raise the phone. Move the phone (and other devices) up closer to eye level so the head does not have to be tilted forward.

  • Take frequent breaks. Spend some time away from the phone—or any type of head-forward posture. If needed, use an alarm or app to set automatic reminders to take breaks from handheld devices.

  • Stand up straight. Good posture, with the chin, tucked in and shoulders pulled back, keeps the body aligned in a neutral position.

  • Arch and stretch. Arch the neck and upper back backward periodically to ease muscle pain.

  • Exercise regularly. A strong, flexible back and neck are more able to handle the extra stress. Some research indicates that teenagers who are active in low-impact team sports or endurance sports are less likely to have neck pain.

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Jenny Jung
Jenny Jung
Jun 12, 2022

hope everyone be aware of it. It's a very helpful posting

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