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What I discovered from the Exhibition & What I want people to do

Conclusion: Welcome


What I learned during this long period is that we have to reduce the amount of time we are using social media. Using social media for school work or research might be helpful and convenient. However, I am sure that using social media as entertainment won't be positive for your mental, physical, and social health. We should try our best to do something else, a hobby, other than social media. I tried many different hobbies and most of them were enjoyable and helpful, especially playing the piano and listening to music.


In my opinion, the result I got was what I wanted when I started to design this website. It contains more than 80% of what I found out during the research while keeping it simple. I was able to take all the actions I planned to do and organize all the information and knowledge I gained through research. I am proud that I am capable of plan and getting something done by myself. The project is worth the time I spent on this. I am hoping to work on something like PYPX again.


Something I could do better is interviewing experts. I interviewed a few students in Grade 2 and sent a survey to every 6th and 5th Grade student. However, I didn't receive an email from an expert even though I sent a message to three social media addiction centers/organizations. I could write a follow-up message but I was too lazy and had a lot to do other than interviewing experts. So I skipped this part and worked on this website more.


There is one thing I want you to do after visiting my website. Find your hobby other than using social media. You can play the piano, listen to music, read books, or do whatever you like other than something related to technology. It will help you reduce stress and get rid of the feeling of FOMO. Using social media as entertainment could cause a decrease in growth hormones because of a lack of sleep. Let's try our best to find the right hobby for ourselves and reduce the amount of time we spend on social media.

Conclusion: FAQ
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Conclusion: Image
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