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An inquiry cycle is a tool I use to clarify my question and take action to quench my curiosity. It helped me provide new skills that can contribute to resolving problems of practice, or issues by going through 6 different stages.

Inquiry Cycle: About Us

Tuning in

I can share what I think or believe about the topic.
-Brainstorming ideas
-What do I know about the topic?

Finding out

I can use my thinking skills, communication skills, research skills, cooperation, and knowledge to collect new information.
-Research on the topic
-What resources might help?

Sorting out

I can sort, organize, represent and present the information I found about the topic.
-Analyze, sort, and categorize information
-Do I have new questions about the topic?

Going further

I can investigate areas of personal interest relating to the topic and explore another perspective on the topic.
-How might I organize data?
-Do I have enough information


I can think about my learning and identify how I learned what I learned, as well as identify changes in my skills, knowledge, and values.
-What is the main point?


I can take personal action and apply my learning and ideas to real-life situations.
-What have I learned
-How might I share my learning with others?

Inquiry Cycle: List
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